Putney Heath - Groovy Glastonbury

A Glastonbury inspired week!

We have had an action packed week here at Putney Heath, full of amazing moments and memories. As the Glastonbury music festival has been taking place this week, we decided to bring the festival to the forest!

We began the week with some awesome musical performances. The children stood on a stage made from logs and planks and sang some popular nursery rhymes and other favourite songs. They used the array of different musical instruments to aid their performances and others even created some tickets for people to come and watch their show.

Another festival activity the children have taken part in this week has been making our own rainbow ribbons to dance with whilst we listened to music performed by the children. The children have really shown their creative and expressive side this week and have shown a strong interest in creating music, which has been great to see!

Towards the end of the week, one of our educators brought in an incredible microphone for all the children to use. The children enjoyed using all the different voice settings the microphone had, for example, a high pitched alien voice and a really deep voice too. The children shared so many laughs together and took it in turns to make funny noises into the microphone. What an amazing end to our music festival week!

We hope you all have a great weekend!

Little Forest Folk
Putney Heath