Morden - Pixies & Fairies

This week we have invited fairies and pixies to the forest, sang, danced and played number & phonics games. As well as investigating new life within the forest! We have also used some of our herbs and vegetables in the garden to make smoothies and more! 

Another busy week in the forest! Notably, we love to create and enhance activities that highlight our little ones’ interests. This week we have heard a lot of talk of fairies and pixies; “Pixies are full of tricks so they might put a horn on a seat, when you sit down it might go TOOT!” We gathered some natural materials from around the forest such as hay, sticks and stones! Using PVA glue, the learners made a hay roof, stick walls, and decorated the house with stones and leaves. One learner even made a toilet for our bathroom! Upon finishing the house, we thought how we may attract some fairies and pixies to the forest. “We need a sign!” We decided bright colours may attract them and our explorers marked letters and numbers to entice some new forest friends! 

The forest always provides us with learning opportunities to help with understanding the world. At the back of the forest, we discovered some movement within a puddle. Investigating further we found hover fly larvae! We looked up the lifecycle of a hover fly and discovered they are important pollinators, which brought up a great discussion on which insects are vital to our forest. Pollinators carry pollen grains from flower to flower, as the pollen rubs off on other plants this can help produce more flowers within our forest.

Number games! We have all enjoyed incorporating numbers into our games this week. Rosie encouraged number identification by playing a freeze game; you must land on a number when the music stops! Can you identify the number you’ve landed on? Another activity led by Maria used colourful sticks; can you match the number of sticks to the number shown? This was great for counting and introducing some unfamiliar numbers within the forest! 

We have noticed many vegetables growing within the garden too, some of our explorers have discovered potatoes poking through the soil and we have been measuring our bean stalk which seems to be growing more every minute! We have thanked the mixed weather of sunshine and rain for helping our plants to grow! 

We look forward to another adventurous week next week, have a restful weekend!

Little Forest Folk