Morden - Party in the forest!

Party in the forest!

We had a lovely party in the forest this week! Otis is a skilled balloon animal maker, and was making dogs, mice, and pirate swords! We really loved creative play with our balloons, sailing on our pirate ship, walking our doggies in the park, and wearing our stylish new hats! Our party continued with lots of music being played and dancing around the forest, having a fabulous last week of term with our friends!

The children got involved with sawing tree cookies for our friends who are having their last days in the forest. They did a wonderful job of showing their understanding of the forest rules, and how to keep themselves and their friends safe. We focused on the shape of the cookie, “big circle, little circle”. We love to see the children taking responsibility for their safety and independence while using the tools!

Morden has been full of growing plants with flowers and vegetables, and we were so happy to find our beetroots had grown in our vegetable boxes! The children were so happy to see the change in the plant, we’d compared a seed from the packet to the vegetable that grew, and talked about how much it had changed, with ‘love’ and ‘care’ and ‘watering’ and ‘sunshine’!

Our children really enjoyed sitting down with the practitioners to write down their own stories! The children really loved seeing their words being put on paper, and the children got so creative with the stories they were writing! We enjoyed listening to our friends’ stories too, most of the children enjoyed writing about animals like ‘tigers’ and ‘elephants!” and educators from the forest helping the animals! It was amazing to see the children using their story telling skills, and they loved to take their piece of paper, and show to the other educators to read out again!

Little Forest Folk