Putney Heath - Bedtime!


We kicked off this week with our PJ day. The children spent the day reading books on blankets and talking about their dreams. The children pretended to have a big forest sleepover. They also roleplayed to be families and the mummies were putting the babies to bed, reading them stories, and singing lullabies. Some children decided to become bedtime story authors and made up their own stories, which an educator then helped them write down.

Each day this week the children were surprised with a cooling treat, ice lollies on one day, some frozen watermelon on another, and lots of water play for the whole week to make sure we all stayed cool.

Putney’s Little Forest Folk-ers loved having the photographer on site for two days. We are excited to see how the pictures will turn out, the sneak peek we got from Emma already looked wonderful. The children enjoyed having different educators from other sites and Jeni visiting us this week and they loved learning new magic tricks and stories from them.

One morning one of our beloved educators surprised the children with some special stones. They all had different pictures painted on and encouraged the children to make up their own stories. It was wonderful to see the children all work together to come up with a wonderful story.

Lots of role playing happened during the week. From baking pizzas to building houses the Little Forest Folk-ers kept themselves busy.

We say goodbye to some of our wonderful Little Forest Folk-ers and we cannot wait to see them back again during future camps. We also look forwarding to welcome old and new friends next week for the first week of summer camp! We hope you all have lovely weekends.

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Little Forest Folk
Putney Heath