Morden - Our Golden Forest

Our Golden Forest

We’ve been loving the changing season here in the forest at Morden! Our Little Forest Folk-ers have been using our colourful sorting trays to have a look at all of the different types of leaves we find falling from the trees! We have been putting each different type of leaf into the containers, and looking at our ‘leaf matching sheet’ to see what types they are! The children have also realised that the trays are great for making yourself look like a dandelion!

With the leaves we’ve been collecting, we’ve been getting creative and making Autumn/Halloween decorations to hang around our forest! The children picked out some small boxes from the recycling, and used our old brushes to paint some glue on the back of the prettiest leaves. We spoke about all the different colours and shapes they had; we can’t wait to decorate our scout hall with our new decorations!

The reading area has been a favourite this week in the forest! The children have been amazing at noticing all of the details on the pages, even new details on our old favourite books that we haven’t noticed before! Some afternoons we’ve been sitting down with pens and paper, to scribe stories that the children have made up themselves! It’s brilliant how proud the children are when they see their own words written down on paper!

The children have been noticing all of the different birds flying in the wind this week; so we decided to make a birds nests out of a small cardboard box, sticks and leaves. The children went exploring through the forest to find the best leaves for their bird house... “this one is the biggest!” and when it was complete, the children directed the educator in choosing the best place for the birds nest to be placed “up high so that they can reach it!” “not there, it might blow away!”

Our children practiced their hammering skills again this week, they have loved their tool activities in the past, and ask the educators to do more when they have a new idea of what they’d like to use. We love that the children are showing so much interest in tool use, and they have even started to incorporate this into their imaginative play, by playing ‘building’ or ‘fire circles’; “walk around the edge so you don’t go through the middle!” “stay outside the boundary so we don’t get hurt!” It’s so special to us as educators when we see the children using the lessons we teach them in their own play!

We hope you all have a lovely weekend!

Little Forest Folk