Morden - Make a Wish!

Make a Wish!

What an amazing week at Morden we’ve had! All this lovely warm weather has brought out some brilliant and creative water play this week; the potion bottles have been filled with magic liquid, the watering cans have never been so busy, and we’ve even made our own wishing well! The children helped to fill up a big bucket with water, we love to listen to the sound of the splashing and twisting the nozzle to see all the ways the water comes out! We then found a smaller bucket, and some rope to tie to the little handle. The rope was hung from a branch above the big bucket to create a pully system. The children loved to pull the small bucket up and down, watching the water drip as they pulled it even higher! We would also ‘make a wish!’ as the water poured all the way down to the bucket at the bottom again. We saw so much creative thinking, and brilliant motor skills were involved in this activity!

The children have noticed some super exciting changes in our growing boxes this week! We are so happy to see our vegetable shoots growing ‘thick leaves’ and ‘strong stems’. The children have been chatting a lot about how much change the hose water and rain brings to our plants in the forest. They are interested to see which plants are taller than when they’d noticed previously, and which small flowers they couldn’t see anymore because of all the big leaves! Our sunniest days have seen the children having fun under our big tarps for some cool shade, making new places to read our favourite books, a place to look out for the birds flying by, and even a “fairy house” where our imaginative play has been running wild, the ‘fairies’ live under the tarp, and collect their forest treasures to bring back home!

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As the children are so skilled at noticing small details about our environment, we’ve started to create ‘forest posters’; the children sit around a large piece of paper with their pens or crayons, and we draw or write about the things we’ve seen that day! We have been writing numbers to count the legs on a spider, and the children have been using fantastic describing words to tell us how to draw different animals! “An elephant has a loooong trunk, and 2 biiiig ears…”. We put our piece of paper near our ‘bug hotel’ to have a look at the insects that had moved in! We have to be very slow and quiet when looking so we don’t scare them away. We saw a big spider living in the middle of the logs! We spoke about how it must be his “holiday” while he’s away from his web!

We have had such a wonderful week, we hope you have too, and have lovely weekends all!

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Little Forest Folk