Fulham - lady birds and bumble bees

What an amazing week we have had! Our Little Forest Folk-ers have been so happy and relaxed, enjoying this gorgeous weather. It has also been the perfect conditions to look for lady birds, bumble bees and other little beast on our way to camp. The children are always so fascinated by what nature provides and has to offer around our site.

On Tuesday, Pete the gardener, brought something really special to our forest to show the children. Pete had some newts and tadpoles in a container which he was taking to a pond near the walled garden. The children were absolutely amazed by what they were seeing. We talked about how they would develop into frogs, their habitat and what they needed to survive.

Later in the week, Hattie found a stag beetle and the children gathered around to see its majestic pincers! We talked about how rare it is to find a stag beetle in London, although occasionally, we do see them at Fulham Palace. Hattie carefully went around holding it, and the children loved it!

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The sensation this week though, was face painting. There was magic and fantasy in the air! Tigers and lions roaring in the bushes, Butterflies flapping their ‘arms’ around the forest. We had sharks chasing superheroes and dragons chasing pirates! Children’s imagination can be so inspiring, even the educators had a go and became fantastic characters that day!

The children also enjoyed finding a cool spot in the shade when the sun was warmer. Sat on the soft grass, they drew treasure maps, maps of London with all the iconic buildings such as London Eye or the Shard! They used paint, crayons and pens to create different textures on paper. They drew straight lines for the buildings and wavy lines for the river Thames. Some masterpieces I must say!

Tree climbing and mud kitchen was as usual their favourite! The cool shady tree invites the children to play in the lower branches or climb to the tallest one! It is beautiful to see how physically able our children are, and how well they can risk-assess and are confident to do so independently, even though a forest school trained educator is always there to save the day in case they need!

We hope you all have had lovely weeks and have wonderful weekends all!

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Little Forest Folk