Morden - Goodbye Friends!

We’ve had another glorious few days of sunshine in the forest which has been the perfect setting for our older children in their final week before setting off on the next stage of their adventure at big school! This time of year is always very sad but it’s also a chance to reflect on all the things our Little Forest Folk-ers have learned in the forest as well as all the things they’ve taught us. Of course, a fire circle is the perfect way to say goodbye and the children had a lovely time toasting pittas and eating them with homemade blueberry and chia seed jam. Yum!

It’s always so amazing to see how much the little adventurers grow and develop in their time with us. After taking part in a sawing activity this week, the older children set such a good example for the younger children, showing great patience and respect for the saw and demonstrating their fantastic listening ears. With their strong muscles they also took it in turns to saw all the way through the plank. After a bit of sanding, we now have the perfect materials for our forest sign. We’re so proud of how resilient and independent the little ones have become, but of course they’re not so little anymore!

This activity has also been a lovely opportunity for us to ready the forest for all our new friends joining in the autumn term! We’ve had a host of new Little Forest Folk-ers walking through our gate and our children have been so welcoming and eager to show all the fun things the forest has to offer. Although it’s sad to say goodbye, we know the new term will be full of new learning and exciting adventures and we can’t wait!

Little Forest Folk