Morden - Forest Puppets!

It’s been a busy & musical week at the Morden Forest site 🌳
Sarah has had her famous ukulele out this week to entertain us all. A favourite this week was ‘Old MacDonald ‘who had giraffes and hedgehogs on his farm!

Maria has taken inspiration from the ‘Three Little Pigs’ and created a puppet show for all the Forest Folk-ers to enjoy and join in. The learners have taken part in collecting natural materials from the forest for hay & stick houses! ‘Hay and sticks are easy to get!’ Everyone joined in huffing and puffing to blow them down! ‘And he huffed and he puffed and he blew the house down!’ It was concluded brick houses must be the strongest as most of our houses are also made of bricks! ‘Bricks are strongest, no wolves come in my house!’ In our recreation the wolf enjoyed sharing cake with the three little pigs 🐽 ‘That’s nice’.

Everyone at Little Forest Folk Morden wishes you a joyful weekend and we look forward to seeing you next week! October will bring Autumn themed activities for all to enjoy!

Little Forest Folk