Fulham - Small World Spectacular!

Our wonderful Little Forest Folk have had an exceptional week full of exploring and adventures!

At the start of the week we welcomed some small wooden people into our forest and the children enjoyed creating little homes for them and their families. One family had a mummy, a daddy, three babies and a big sister. They weren’t having a very marvellous Monday as their babies kept running away! The babies were quickly brought back to safety and given a very important reminder of not passing the rainbow ribbons.

Later in the week the children went on a dragon hunt! We climbed trees, crossed bridges and crept through caves to find the scary dragon. When we finally found it, the dragon let out a big raawwwwr and we quickly ran to safety under one of our forest trees.

Another fabulous week here in the beautiful gardens of Fulham Palace! As we start a new month this weekend, we look forward to a spectacular October! 🎃

Little Forest Folk