Morden - Forest Eruption!

This week the children were really excited to join in with an exciting science experiment! Ronnie set up a classic activity of making our very own forest volcano. We combined bicarb soda, vinegar, washing up liquid and red food colouring to make the lava flow. The children helped to measure out each ingredient using teaspoons and spoke about how important it is not to waste the ingredients “We’ll run out if we use too much!”.

As the children poured the mixtures into the test tube, everyone else made sure their friends were respecting the boundaries to keep themselves safe, “Is everyone ready? I’m going to pour now!”. They watched super carefully and spoke about the ingredients “reacting” with each other and began to use their imagination to talk about what it might be like to be close by to a real volcano! “It would be so hot! Keep away to keep safe!”, it was so much fun!

The children also helped a little later in the day to begin making the sides of the volcano out of clay and cardboard! They experimented with how to flatten the clay (rolling, squishing, and slapping) so that it would be thin enough to stick to the cardboard. After a little while, the children realised it was a little too hard to get the cardboard to stand up with the clay, “It’s making it too heavy!”, so we took away the cardboard and built around the tube instead. After some trial and error, we haven't managed to finish the full volcano yet, but we’re really excited to finish our masterpiece and watch it erupt again!

Little Forest Folk