Morden - Food at the Fire!!

Food at the Fire!!

This week in our Morden forest there has been focus on the safety and achievement of making fire!! At the back of the forest, we set up an activity area where the children could practise making sparks using flint and steel with Sarah! It was a brilliant activity, the children had so much focus on their task, holding the tool in a specific way, and talking about the word ‘technique’ and the best way to make our own spark. Some of the younger children seemed to enjoy learning about the safety rules and talking in detail about what each rule means “if I come over the boundary I could get hurt! My friends too!” “Sarah, are you ready for me to come over?” The older children who have had a little more practice with the flint and steel were able to make their own sparks and light their own cotton wool! (Always with the teacher helping though!)

Later in the week, we re-visited the fire rules as we went to our fire circle for a cooking activity! Maria used a lovely Greek recipe to make courgette fritters! We grew the courgette from our growing patches in the front of the forest, which the children helped to harvest and prepare for the cooking! The children spoke more about staying safe at the fire circle, sang some songs, and told stories while we enjoyed watching the big fire, and smelling the cooking food!! It was so yummy!!

We can’t wait for more cooking on the fire in the future!

Little Forest Folk