Putney Heath - Magnificent Music!

Magnificent Music!

This week has been filled with an array of different music, various instruments and lots of singing! We have had the pleasure of having a music genius visit our forest this week; an educator who was once the Liberty Woodland School music teacher. The children have loved listening to all the different songs that were introduced to them and have enjoyed engaging in the interactive songs, showing off their amazing dancing skills.

The children have also got stuck in to playing some of our own musical instruments. They have shown amazing rhythm whilst tapping the tambourines in time with the guitar and have performed some awesome songs, including “The eye of the tiger” and “We will rock you”. We have been so impressed with how the children have engaged with the music this week! Our Little Forest Folk-ers really love their music and we can see some amazing talent here!

Whilst listening to songs in the background, other children have enjoyed finding treasures around the forest, pretending to be pirates who are defeating the ‘baddies’ who get in their way! The sneaky pirates hid their treasure under a mountain of mud to deter the thieves away. Great job pirates, we managed to keep all our treasure!

What a fantastically musical week we have had here at Putney Heath. We cannot wait for more adventures next week. Have a restful weekend everybody :)

Little Forest Folk
Putney Heath