Fulham - Trees, Wonderful Trees!

Trees, Wonderful Trees!

This week the children have been super busy engaging in a variety of experiences. At the start of the week the children immersed themselves with a range of natural resources, creating nature faces using googly eyes, leaves, sticks, and anything they could find to make aliens or other creatures. One child found a crawling plant which he used as hair on his nature face! He was also super proud of the 7 eyes he had stuck on too.

Mid-week, the children went on a special adventure with Isobel, taking advantage of the range of trees we have here at Fulham Palace by engaging in bark rubbing. The children were able to explore the different textures of the trees and how they created different patterns on the paper.

Towards the end of the week our children got messy making some playdough! Donna gave the children each their own bowl, so they were able to make their own measurements, mixing in the flour, oil, water and blue paint!

We hope you all have a lovely weekend, we cannot wait to hear what adventures you get up to!

Little Forest Folk