Morden - Flowers and Football!!

To begin our week in Morden, we found Harriet’s Flower Shop had opened in our forest! The children were so happy to find a beautiful lilies and roses hung up on a tree in near our circle area! They spoke about how many different colours they could see on the petals, how big they were compared to other flowers we have growing in the forest, and how lovely they smelt! As the days went on, the children notices the petals drooping and falling from the bouquet, they began to collect the fallen petals and had lots of different fun play with the different sizes and textures. Some children used them in their art works, sticking them to paper and card, some used them in their play and collected them to make a ‘flower fire’ near the logs, and some ‘planted’ the petals so that ‘more flowers will grow!”

The flower shop has been built with branches and green leaves, making it look like a forest tee pee! The children love this space so much, and have been using it in their imaginative play lots this week! The ‘astronauts’ used it as their ‘Space Ship’, we would all sit down close together and hold each other’s arms to make sure we didn’t fall out of the ship while we were flying! When we landed on ‘mars’, we had to keep a sharp eye out for the ‘hungry space monsters’ who were after us! We made some ‘space potions’ to scare off the monsters, monsters don’t like ‘peas’ and ‘bananas’ and ‘bread’ so we put some imaginary vegetables in there!

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The children have been loving music for the last few weeks, playing the instruments we have near the reading area. We’ve been talking about ‘rhythm’, making fast rhythms and slow rhythms, and how different rhythms can make us feel. When we play fast, we feel ‘excited!’, when we play slow, we feel ‘sleepy’ or ‘shy’. It’s been really interesting to explore feeling through music with the children!

We’ve been a little football mad recently at Morden! So we’ve had some really fun euros-themes activities! Like decorating our snack shop with different countries flags using chalk, we’ve been making flags from card to decorate our forest, and we’ve had our own afternoon football match! We had logs for goal posts, and had the best time watching the children run back and forth on the pitch trying to catch the ball! (our footwork skills may need a little work!) It was wonderful to see all the children involved in such a fun activity!

Little Forest Folk