Morden - Colours of the Morden Forest!

Colours of the Morden Forest!

Colour has been a dominant theme in our play this week! It has varied from colourful homemade play dough to looking at the varying colours in nature. We have also been busy making and constructing!

At the start of the week there was an immediate request from the children for colourful play dough with the intention to create a volcano!! This seems to be a continuation from making a volcano out of clay the previous week. Sofia was quick to get a big pan out and began mixing the ingredients asking the children to help and stir it all in. The children took it in turns to mix the play dough to a perfect consistency and made several batches of different colours. Once it was ready the children cleared some tables with the help from their educators and began getting creative making volcanoes but also pizzas and other things as well! This burst of colour continued with the children decorating some of our surroundings including colouring in our swing boundary planks.

The children have been closely observing our lovely allotment over the last few months and this week asked Teo (our lead gardener) if they could pick some of the veggies. Teo was quick to accept and began harvesting some of our crops! The children helped pick some lettuce leaves, coriander, beetroots and also picked some of the sweet peas. As well as the allotment we also have our lovely blackberry forest running parallel to the scout hut and the children have been helping pick the berries to freeze, so that when we have enough, we can hopefully make some jam with the children, yum yum!

Construction has also been very popular with the children using all the loose parts. The children soon collected a mound of resources and decided that they wanted to make a car. They used logs and tyres for the wheels and then used the hay bales for the main body of the car. It was lovely to see this collaborative group play and there was great planning and discussion throughout!

We have had such a wonderful week and we hope you all have amazing weekends!

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Little Forest Folk