Fulham - Fulham’s Olympic Games

Fulham’s Olympic Games

What an incredible week we’ve had in the forest. To celebrate the Olympic Games, we’ve decided to set up some tournaments and activities. We’ve had obstacle courses, climbing frames, long jumps and the most popular, the hurdle race! The weather was so lovely this week and our Little Forest Folk-ers and holiday campers had the most amazing time.

The children were so excited to arrive at camp and see all the activities prepared for them! We had a station for them to make their own medals using a hole puncher and big leaves from the magnolia tree next to the Palace. They cut the circles and painted them with yellow paint to use as gold medals. Next, they had to make a smaller hole for the string to go through and tie a knot. This offered the children so many opportunities to practice their fine motor skills and they were so happy to be able to make their very own medals!

Our little adventures were so eager to try all the different games, it was incredible! They took turns in pairs doing the races, while one child held the flag (which they also made with a stick, paper and tape). We had a stop watch which the children also took turns using to check who was the fastest. Everyone else was cheering and crying names, supporting their friends as they were participating in the races.

The mud kitchen was as popular as ever! With an upgrade on each bubble to provide all the children with new resources, jerry cans and recipes made for awesome concoctions! The children experimented with water, mud, different textures and natural materials to decorate their lovely cakes and cookies.

Looking for minibeasts has been a favourite this week as well. The children went on adventure walks with their magnifying glasses and bug cups searching for slugs, ants, snails and woodlice. They looked under logs and bushes, lifting and rolling carefully trying not to disturb the little animals.

We’ve had the musical instruments in the forest as well and that was so entertaining! The children loved exploring the different sounds they could produce, finding objects in their surroundings and improvising melodies and rhythms. The educators had such a good time at lunch time playing the instruments and singing ‘the pirate song’, ‘on bonfire night’ and other songs. It was definitively amusing for the children.

Have a lovely weekend!

Little Forest Folk