Morden - Climbing, Growing, and Playing!

Climbing, Growing, and Playing!

It’s such a pleasure to see the children at Morden growing in their relationships and their ideas for play! Watching the children communicate with each other about their ideas and figuring out how to fairly take turns independently has been great to watch! We’ve had more children join us for settling sessions this week, the children have been so welcoming and excited to share their forest space with new friends! The children’s confidence and happiness in the forest is such a lovely environment for the new children to step into! Whether they’re 2 years old or 3 years old, they are taking the new children for little tours and starting fun and games!

Now that the children are gaining more and more confidence with their climbing, we have been noticing the children copying language from the educators and offering verbal support to their friends climbing. “Hold the rope! Keep your feet steady!”. It’s been amazing to see their confidence growing so quickly!

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The children have been enjoying loads of imaginative play using the little dolls and the dinosaur toys. The children take on the roles of ‘mummy, daddy and baby’, and take turns when someone else would like a turn. The children have been creating little ‘tree houses’ for the families, and giving them their own bedrooms to live in. This has then prompted conversations about what their bedrooms look like at home! We love those conversations, it’s a great chance to get to know the children more and learn about what they like as individuals.

Everyone’s been so excited to get our growing boxes set up. The children got their hands extra dirty while they helped Otis to spread the compost around in the growing boxes, we spoke about how it felt, and how the compost was ‘healthy food for our plants’. We used all our watering cans to get the soil ready for our planting activity with Teo!

One of our favourite spots in the nursery is the hammock, we love to swing peacefully in the blue bells and read some stories or sing some songs! We also have some amazing imaginative play in the hammock, like a group of pirates in their ship facing a strong storm! The children race back and forth around the site running from the ‘smelly pirate’ who is going to catch us! But apparently, they only eat educators! So the our Little Forest Folk-ers have been protecting us and showing us where to hide, phew!

We hope you all have wonderful weekends!

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Little Forest Folk