Fulham - Into the wild

Into the wild and the Suck-A-Tron-5000

Our Little Forest Folk-ers continue to spend most of their time playing in the mud kitchen with the lovely resources and the water jerry cans! It is amazing how their learning scaffolds each day. They have been measuring, pouring and adapting their technique/play to achieve different outcomes. Using a smaller pan to add to the big bowls or using the sieve to shake the mud off the precious stones!

Reading books and telling stories has always been popular in the forest. The children are fascinated by the stories about superheroes and villains, witches and cats, robots and dinosaurs and of course, Supertato! Inspired by their favourite character, the children on the robins side decided to make their own Suck-A-Tron-5000 and blast rainbow colours all over the forest, bringing to life the hero inside each one of them! They’ve used yellow and red paint, which they mixed into the warmest shades of orange. They’ve mixed blue and yellow and splashed different tones of green to freeze the evil peas hiding behind the trees. How delightful to see the joy in their eyes as they ran around the forest sucking the colours and splashing them back, being ‘Supertatoes’ and ‘Super Veggies’ in their imaginary play!

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Being slightly shorter this week, we have been extending our walks into camp, weaving our way in and around overgrown bushes and stinging nettles to the adventure playground! A ‘dangerous mission’ indeed…but the educators suggested that the children wave their hands in the air and it seemed to work…phew!

Our adventurers have been exploring the big bamboo plants nestled away in the corner, at the entrance to Fulham Palace. They have found a shiny bit of treasure, some Lego and other bits and bobs - it was a mystery as to how they got there! It’s a great den area for the children to go exploring, swishing through the bamboo canes, whispering to one another which direction to go in next. Educators are just too big to fit inside the den but can hear the giggles and flashes of high vis vests as they make their way through!

With sticks, stones and leaves, some children made artwork on the ground. A lift was made, using sticks to create the doors and shiny, smooth and rough stones as the buttons to press to get to each floor. The group of children involved created their own role play saying things like “lift going up” and “doors opening!” Our next challenge will be to make the lift move up and down! How exciting!

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

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Little Forest Folk