Morden - A Professional Race!

This week has been full of adventure - the mixed weather has allowed us to traverse the forest in search of bugs! The softer ground has allowed us to construct and dig, and our vegetables are growing faster than ever! 

We have been overwhelmed with adventure this week and as usual, the learners have been engaging in imaginative play and there has certainly been a running theme, as many investigated islands and built ships. Many visualised sticks as spyglasses, swords and even parrots! This led to us steeping tea bags to splash and spill over paper. Once dried, the old and crispy aesthetic and texture excited our adventurers, “We have real treasure maps!” Modelling a simple map key, showing mountains, bridges and forests, the children invented their own maps following some symbols. Following this, we were ready to begin our very own treasure hunt within the forest!

The cooler weather encouraged energy bursts with the Little Forest Folk-ers! Many were curious how fast they could run around the entire forest path. As many more were intrigued to use full speed mode, we decided to set a “professional race!” Each child was given a number bib taped on to their hi-vis and we lined up in order of numbers. “On your marks, get set, GO!” As our little athletes zoomed through the forest, the children waiting for their turn would observe the stopwatch and shout any familiar numbers. We were encouraged to think out loud to scaffold the idea of seconds and minutes! 

Our little learners really enjoy our, “days of the week” song during circle time. With many requests of learning months of the year, it was a great opportunity to create and design our very own forest calendar! We used cardboard and tape to section off twelve areas in which the little ones were guided with support and dots to write the letters in each month of the year. After the letters were sounded out and the months of the year written on each area, we discussed seasons and four areas were marked with each season! This brought the discussion of what we can expect to see in the seasons, and what colour the leaves may be. We used natural resources to show what may be found in each season. For example, orange and brown leaves for Autumn! 

Amongst many popular activities from the week, another that stands out was potion and poison making as support was given to use a new tool! A pestle and mortar were modelled to crush and grind chalk. What would happen if liquid was added? We explored textures and liquids, measuring colours and pouring into cylinders to cast spells and some even created milkshakes! 

Have a wonderful weekend and we look forward to many more enchanting activities next week!

Little Forest Folk