Fulham - A Unicorn called Flossy!

As the amazing adventures in the Fulham forest continue, we started off our week making some very colourful paper hot air balloons, showcasing a wide range of magnificent rainbow colours. 

We were thrilled to have a great potion station on camp this week, and the children loved mixing and combining a variety of different herbs, plants and liquids together to form the most incredible potions. We all had great fun then coming up with some magical spells and just like that …ALAKAZAM! we were all transformed into little witches and wizards! 🪄

Working on our numbers this week, the turtle maths game encouraged and helped us to count and match numbers by rolling the dice trying to mark off all the numbers on our turtle board to complete the game. 

The most memorable event of this week most definitely has to be creating our new Fulham pet - Flossy! 🦄 Having a unicorn themed day on camp, the children got stuck into making and decorating paper unicorns, creating their own unicorn headbands and the educators worked impressively hard to use the wooden crates to make a unicorn which we named Flossy. This was a total hit! All the children were super excited and wanted their photo taken on it. 

To finish off our amazing week in the forest the children got to learn a bit about recycling and why it is so important ♻️ We then enjoyed great activity where we made our own recycled paper on camp which the children got to take home with them. This really helped us to all learn about the effects of recycling and how it can impact our everyday lives. 

As the days draw closer and closer it’s unfortunately time to start saying our goodbyes to both Isobel and Libby who will spend their last week next week with us in the forest. We would like to take this opportunity to wish them all the best and thank them both for the incredibly hard work they do. The children really do appreciate all the time and efforts you have given, and you will both be missed greatly by us all! 

We hope you all have an amazing weekend full of rest, fun and exciting adventures and we will see you next week in the forest for more adventures and fun. 

Little Forest Folk