Morden - A Big Thank You For All the Fun and Adventures!

It’s been such a sunny week in the forest! We have a lot of little ones moving on to big school which has promoted yoga and mindfulness activities to clear our minds and focus on the present!

We started off the week with a yoga session inside! After showing off some yoga poses and taking turns for everyone to create their own yoga pose we took a minute to focus on our breath. With our eyes open or closed, we picture walking up a big green hill and over the top we see the top of a hot air balloon rising. It’s interesting to hear what colours or how big each child imagines their hot air balloon! The balloon needs help to keep rising and float into the sky. We take a deep breath in and blow out, pumping air into the balloon to help it lift higher and higher. We do this until our balloon is above the clouds and out of sight! “My balloon is going to space!” “Mine is red and blue.”

We have encouraged mark making by setting up stations, each with different materials such as flour, salt, mud, pencils, paper and more! Can we create waves, zig zags or even some letters within our name? Creating waves, loops and zig zags can warm up our hand muscles and help us to practice some control of tools we are holding. These activities always fascinate as the adventurers’ visualise worlds in the marks made. “I’ve drawn the sea, the circle is the sun!”

We have unlimited sources of branches and wood within the forest. We thought of the perfect opportunity to use the saw with our little explorers! Using tools supervised can help encourage little ones to practice many skills, such as hand eye coordination and aim, in a safe and supported environment. The result led to wooden disks which were decorated in a marble paint! Our little artists were then able to choose their favourite colours and dip in the wood decoration to create a marbled effect.

We also put our measuring and pouring skills to the test as we prepared some snacks for our end of term picnic! We excitedly thanked all our leavers for all the fun and adventure we have shared during our days in the forest and we wish you all the best of luck! We know each and every one of you will go on to be curious and creative adventurers!

Little Forest Folk