Fulham - Fulham Forest FC!

We would like to start by saying how incredibly well our graduation ceremony went at the beginning of this week. It’s that time of year where we begin to say goodbye to all our children in Fulham that are leaving us. The children that are leaving received their certificate and graduation stone and all the educators here in Fulham couldn’t feel prouder of how grown up, well developed and school-ready these little ones are - you have all done us proud!

As our week continued, whilst we were all at home sleeping a great big rocket ship blasted onto our camp and made itself at home, wanting to come and join in all the fun in our forest. Great activities were based around this, and our little artists got creative painting and decorating some moons and stars. These were then used to role play with the rocket ship, flying around all different space destinations.

Another popular theme this week was a football. The children really loved this and got incredibly involved creating our own team - Fulham Forest FC! A football pitch was created on camp and we enjoyed shooting the ball into the goals and having a great time competing in mini football matches. Continuing on the football theme, we developed our fine motor skills and counting by using some cotton wool balls that represented footballs and used pincers to practise picking them up and placing them into various sized containers. We also got creative and started designing our own football t-shirts using bright colours and patterns, the amazing final designs showcased how incredible and talented our Little Forest Folk-ers really are!

It’s also been great having little games throughout camp, to get everyone’s brains flowing, we’ve especially enjoyed noughts and crosses, and have really enjoyed sharing games like this to encourage team play and thinking skills.

Our week in Fulham has been awesome! We wonder what will happen next week here in our forest!

Little Forest Folk