Fulham - Thunderstorm Thrills

We have had another fabulous week in the forest with the weather providing lots of exciting new experiences for our little ones.

After another scorching heat wave, we got to enjoy some rain here at Fulham Palace, providing children with opportunities to mark make in the mud which was left behind, creating shapes, monsters, and wizards!

We also had some super climbers in the forest this week as the children climbed to the top of our climbing tree, doing an excellent job to avoid their friends climbing around them and safely manoeuvring their bodies up and down.

Of course, we cannot forget the wonderful rain that came down on us mid-week, providing our forest with the water it so desperately needed. The children enjoyed running around in the rain before being excitedly taken to shelter in the greenhouse where we could watch the storm in safety.

We hope you all have a wonderful weekend, and we look forward to seeing you for more forest adventures next week!

Little Forest Folk