Fulham - The World Around Us!

We’ve had a fantastic week at camp! Our holiday campers have really settled themselves into camp life and have made some beautiful friendships with our full-timers! ⭐️

Risky Play

This week we have upped our risky play! Risky play is a forest classic, where children can build their grasp of risk-assessment and self-reliance. Here at Fulham, we create challenging opportunities for balancing, climbing and jumping. With the use of tree stumps, we can create jumping podiums of varying heights and difficulty, where children can assess which height they feel comfortable with, and when they want to challenge their jumping skills. With crates and pallets, we build climbing frames with different challenges. Each crate is different, so we use them strategically to increase or lower the level of ease. For example, narrow pallet slots don’t give much room for a full foot, meaning children have to develop some strength in their toes as they scale their way up on their tippy toes. Or, using a pallet with no slots altogether, so children need to bravely slide down or pull themselves up with the strength of their arms. We absolutely love supporting children who are a little wary of climbing activities/unsure of their own abilities, to become wonderful little climbers and strong assessors of risk and self-management. 💫

All climbing/balancing activities are supervised by an educator.

The World Around Us

The Olympics! What a perfect way to explore the world around us with both learning through discussion and action! We had some fantastic conversations about the sports we knew, the competitions we may have watched on TV, sports we have played before, and which countries we know of that have taken part. Children loved recalling past events and expressing their own sporting experiences with their educators and friends. Then we got stuck into our action-packed day of Olympic fun. Children designed their own medals, marrying arts & crafts with number recognition rather perfectly! “Did you come first, second or third? Which number shall we write down?” Children used a prompt sheet of various country flags, many children hunting to spot the flag of their home country! We were extremely impressed with how many flags our little ones could identify! They then got to either create their own flag design or try and recreate a country’s flag of their choice. We used different circular objects to recreate the Olympic Rings with some printing techniques. Then of course, the camp was filled with physical activities. We had bean bag throwing, egg and spoon race, gymnastics balance beams, assault courses, climbing apparatus and much more! What a fab day! 🥇

Little Forest Folk