Fulham - Soaking up the sun!

What a beautiful week we have had! It has been so wonderful for us all to soak up some of that warming sunshine and shed those waterproof layers in favour of high viz vests!

The children have been thrilled at the increase in bug activity with the discovery of ladybirds, spiders, lots more worms and even some beetles. We talked about the warm weather bringing them out of their burrows and hidey-holes where they’ve been keeping warm and about making sure we put them somewhere safe once we’re finished looking.

We have so many friendships truly blossoming, especially between our younger friends as they delve deeper into cooperative play and start to bond with each other. We love to see their faces light up when a particular friend arrives in the morning or when they go to seek out a particular friend to show them something they have made.

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We have been practicing our letter forming using laminated cards to follow the dots before being able to rub it out and try again, and we also tried our hand at numbers too. We have been building dens and creating rules and signs to go at the entrances such as, “No dogs allowed”, “No baddies! £1million fine” and “No grownups allowed!". Of course, Katie being the biggest baddie of all, was trying her hardest to sneak into the den and the children had an amazing time defending it with ice canons and blasters and lots of laughing, screaming and chasing.

We’ve had a flower display and shop, practiced our football skills, our throwing and catching as well as challenging ourselves with races. It’s been such a fantastic week and this sunny, frosty morning is the perfect way to finish it off. We can’t wait to see what next week brings! We hope you all have wonderful weekends!

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Little Forest Folk