Putney Heath - Hello sun!

Hello sun!

With the chilly and frosty days coming to an end, both the children and educators were excited to venture into the forest to see what changes we could see happening as we slowly creep into Springtime.

At the beginning of the week the children were really engaged in playing with the mud kitchen resources, using the wet mud left over from the rainy and chillier days, to create some really delicious foods for everyone to enjoy. We had lots of pasta making in the kitchen and lasagne was a very popular dish on the menu! It was great to see the children working collaboratively together to create all the different foods that they were asked to make in their restaurant. We definitely didn’t go hungry!

Early in the week we got a very welcomed visit from the sun and the children enjoyed shouting “hello sun” as the light peeped through the trees in the forest. This really brightened up everyone’s day and gave us all that boost of energy we needed after a few chilly weeks!

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Superhero games have been very popular this week in the forest and the children have loved dressing up in the different capes and have been saving the day from all different kinds of disasters. A few weeks ago, the children set a trap on the meadow to catch Shere Khan, who is a fictional tiger character in Rudyard Kipling’s ‘Jungle book’, and this week the children informed us that he escaped from the trap! But not to fear, the superheroes from the Putney Heath Forest were there to save the day! The children all worked together to collect resources to build another trap, ensuring it was sturdy and had no gaps for Shere Khan to escape through. The superheroes continued to save the forest throughout the week.

Mid-week, the lovely sun continued to shine throughout the forest, and we went on some exciting and new adventure walks into the forest and even found a secret pathway. It was so secret that we almost got lost! However, we found our way in the end and the children loved the exciting new adventure. On our way into the forest this week, we stopped to look at the changes on the trees and plants and we noticed some buds appearing. The educators explained that this marks the beginning of spring and the children have loved looking closely at the plants around them, trying to spot any new buds that may have appeared.

We have brought two new blow-up footballs on to our camps this week and this has really sparked an interest with the children. The children have been enjoying taking turns to kick the ball as high as they can, and we even enjoyed a game of football on the cricket pitch with the sunshine beaming down on us. It is safe to say that we have enjoyed these footballs a lot in our forest this week and it has been so lovely to see all the children playing, laughing and enjoying the sun together.

We have had a lovely and sunny week here in the forest and we wish you all a happy and restful weekend!

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Little Forest Folk
Putney Heath