Fulham - Searching For Puddles!

This week in the Fulham Forest we have been focusing on our letter formation and phonic sounds. We have prepared a vast variety of activities to support this such as using the wooden letters and alphabet word cards to encourage the children to think about the sounds that each letter makes. One of the educators prepared dotted name cards for the children and they were able to practise going over the dots to connect them together and make the individual letters of their own names.

Using the pincers to work on our fine motor skills, the children came up with a clever way of transporting the little small-world animals into different pots and containers, and had a wonderful time doing so!

We have had the dressing up costumes on camp this week and it’s been amusing to watch as the children enjoy getting into the characters of the animals and people that they have dressed up as.

Problem solving is something we always love to promote in the Fulham forest and whilst exploring the puzzles this week it was great to witness the children being able to problem solve and work out where each piece went, even if at first they couldn’t work it out.

Towards the end of the week the children were excited to get some rain in the forest and we had a lot of fun when we went on a big adventure to search for puddles! We found a really big puddle and of course the children enjoyed having a big splash. We turned this into a fun little game where the children were asked to jump a different number of times in the puddles, creating big and little splashes.

We’ve had a great week in our Fulham forest and are excited to see all the adventures and activities we get up to next week!

Little Forest Folk