Fulham - Puppet Shows!

Our week in the Fulham forest has been great!

The children have had some wonderful learning opportunities this week focusing on role play. We’ve transformed camp into various exciting role play areas each day, such as a dentist, a doctors surgery, a shop and even an awesome stage where we put on some magnificent puppet shows. Continuing to challenge ourselves, we even had fun in the creative area making our own puppets which we then brought to life on stage performing little shows to each other.

Another great activity had our little explorers thinking about healthy and unhealthy foods. Hiding little pictures of various foods in little plastic eggs, the children had to work together and decide if the enclosed food was good for us or bad for us and then stick it on to either the sad tooth or the happy tooth.

Using some little magnifying glasses, we went on a cool bug hunt around camp. This was great for our little adventurers to be able to explore the outdoor area around them and familiarise themselves with some new bugs and insects. This activity sparked great little open-ended conversations about our new bug friends, with the educators sharing special facts with the children about each bug and insect we found.

Here in Fulham, we do enjoy sharing great little science experiments with the children and this week’s one had the children exploring colour!

Using plates of milk, the children were able to add in droplets of food colouring and droplets of washing up soap and watch as colourful explosions covered their plates of milk - looking like mini fireworks and rainbows!

To end the week one of our educators, Isabella, shared some lovely moments with our Little Forest Folk-ers, teaching them new songs and rhymes as she accompanied them on her ukulele. This went down a treat here and our children can’t stop singing along to them!

Stay tuned for more exciting moments that we are looking forward to here in the Fulham forest next week….

Little Forest Folk