Chiswick - Scrambled Snake Recipe

Hello Wonderful Families,

It's been another incredible week at Little Forest Folk, filled with exciting discoveries and plenty of adventures. Our little explorers have been on a journey of learning and fun. Let's dive into some of the highlights from the past few days.

In the mud kitchen, we embarked on a culinary adventure, creating our very own Scrambled Snake recipe. But it wasn't just about making delicious imaginary dishes; we integrated maths into the mix. With the help of our trusty abacus, we practised counting and added a dash of numeracy to our creative play.

In the forest, our young builders were hard at work. We constructed a pirate ship complete with wheels and planks, turning our imaginations into seaworthy vessels. Building not only nurtures creativity but also enhances problem-solving skills as we figure out how to bring our ideas to life.

Speaking of challenges, we set up an exhilarating obstacle course. Our little adventurers raced through, developing their motor skills and coordination while having a blast. It's wonderful to see them overcome obstacles with determination and enthusiasm.

As the leaves change their hues with the arrival of autumn, we've been observing this transformation. The changing colours of leaves have sparked conversations about the magic of nature and the changing seasons. We've ventured around the forest, on the lookout for autumn treasures like brown and yellow leaves, and we've learned about the majestic pine trees that grace our surroundings.

Every day at Little Forest Folk brings new opportunities for learning and growth, and we're excited to continue this journey with your little ones. Thank you for entrusting us with their education and well-being.

Little Forest Folk