Fulham - Picnic-Style!

As our summer term is coming to an end for our sessional children, we will soon be waving them off to big school or to whatever their next adventure entails. They have all been real assets to camp life and will be immensely missed! We are seeing such strong school readiness and we hope you take your creativeness, curiosity and love for the world around you to your new setting. Now more than ever, we consider our older adventurers’ significant impact on their younger cohort, being great role models and teachers to our younger Little Forest Folk-ers. They have played a big role in their development- helping them with everything from their language development to their social confidence. We cannot wait to have lots of fun in these final weeks, having lots of discussions about how we are feeling about this next step, ensuring a smooth transition from the forest.

This has been a great week on camp with some up and down weather!☀️🌦️ We have made the best use of the sun this week in our beautiful walled garden. We headed to the flower garden to have some picnic-style snack on the benches, a great way to start the morning. We observed the vivid colours of the flowers and discussed which one was our favourite and why.

We did a science/art experiment which created some gorgeous results. We poured some milk into a shallow dish and children could choose different colours of food colouring, and drop droplets into the milk. Then they coated their finger in the magic ingredient, dish soap! They poked their fingers into the mixture and the colours started to dance! This created marbled effects with an array of colours. Amazing work Little Forest Folk-ers!

Little Forest Folk