Fulham - Maths, Maths and More Maths!

This week in the Fulham Forest we have really been focusing on creating some good maths opportunities for our 3 and above children and creating some great physical activities for our 2 year olds. 

We have been touching upon being able to recognise numbers and starting to match them to quantities. This was done in a fun way, using number stickers and sheets. Once the children were able to count the correct amount of objects in each line they had to find the correct number sticker to stick next to it. 

We have been thinking about how fortunate and lucky we are to be in the surroundings that we are. We love taking advantage of this and going on some great adventures of site. Being able to practice our balancing, climbing and jumping, we have been spending some time in the natural play area giving our children the ability to build up on their confidence in joining in risky play. 

Sometimes using story books as inspiration is a good way to plan some fun educator led activities that the children will enjoy. A book based on magic spells provided the opportunity for us to get creative with some natural sticks that we found around camp and using some colourful pipe cleaners to wrap around and decorate our wands working on those fine motor skills. 

We have had a great fun week in the Fulham forest and we are excited to see what fun learning opportunities happen next week….

Little Forest Folk