Fulham - Leaf Threading & Dressing Up

This week has been a fabulous week in the Fulham Forest.

We started off the week by bringing our amazing dress up costumes into the forest. It was so much fun getting into character and becoming animals such as parrots and butterflies and using this to further our role-playing games.

We’ve had tremendous fun this week as the rain in camp has caused lots of incredible puddles and the children have really enjoyed being able to splash around in them!

A great adult-led activity took place this week where we got to practise our fine motor skills and we did leaf threading. Using some coloured string and a plastic sewing needle the children were able to attempt threading their string through a large leaf which saw the children really become engrossed and persist even when at first finding it challenging.

We have also been really creative in camp with the clay, the children really enjoyed using the rainwater on the clay to make it all gooey and slimy and turn their hands all grey, this got the children thinking and they came up with some great comparisons saying their hands were grey like elephants.

A lovely music session took place for us too, where we listened to our favourite Disney tunes and sang along! Another fun music moment for our little explorers was a movement activity where they were able to dance according to the beat and their will! There were really funny dances and lots of loud laughter throughout!

We hope you have a wonderful weekend and look forward to seeing you all next week!

Little Forest Folk