Chiswick - Kew Gardens, Planting and Leaf Printing

Kew Gardens, Planting and Leaf Printing

Our focus this week has been EVERYTHING nature, absorbing our adventurers in the world around us.

The most exciting part of this was our excursion to Kew Gardens. Taking the bus to get there, some of our Little Forest Folk-ers walked far and wide around Kew to see all kinds of natural treasures. They visited the Kitchen Gardens with more seasonal veg and exotic fruit trees than we have ever seen. Pumpkins, sprouts, onions and parsnips littered the walkways. We felt like we were submerged in a Sunday Roast! Our excitement followed us to the Temperate House, providing a little shelter from the heavy rain. We saw pineapple and banana trees, and plants from all over the world. Our adventurers learnt more about continents and where Australasia is.

Back in the forest, we explored our own gardens on an epic odyssey. We were in search of the biggest, most magnificent puddles the rain had to offer. Our search led us to the monument, where we jumped, bathed and laughed in a puddle 'lake'!

Our activities this week have focussed all around nature. We planted rainbow seeds (wildflowers) in little flowerpots for our friends to take home and grow. Little Forest Folk-ers prepped the soil, scattered the seeds and decorated their individual pots with ribbons. We also did some leaf printing. Collecting different sized and shaped leaves we painted the back of them and then stamped them on a giant poster. A wonderful display of our autumnal forest.

Joke of the week: What’s the fastest vegetable?

A runner bean!!

Little Forest Folk