Fulham - Hidden Treasure!

What a great week it’s been in the Fulham forest welcoming back some familiar faces for holiday camp and meeting some new ones.

Being out in the forest always gives us the best opportunities to explore nature and observe some of the bugs and insects around us. At the beginning of the week, we made friends with a moth who landed on one of our explorer’s high vis jacket. This sparked up great conversations between one of the educators and the children and created a wonderful learning opportunity to discover some interesting new facts about bugs and insects.

One afternoon, we had the opportunity to showcase our great teamwork whilst playing with the parachute. The objective of the game was to keep the ball on top without it falling to the ground, we must say that all the children worked together fantastically with the ball falling minimal times so great job everyone!

An awesome dragon structure was created on camp this week by the educators which sent our imaginations into overdrive thinking of ways to use this dragon within our role play games. It was so fun and the children really enjoyed also making dragon headbands in the creative area so we could pretend to be dragons just like the structure!

Along with a fantastic face painting station this week, the children have also been practising Chinese calligraphy using black paint and also getting involved in a great throwing game aiming beanbags at number targets trying to win the most points.

Designing some treasure maps, we had fun following the clues which led us all around camp and eventually to the hidden treasure!

It’s been a fun packed great week in the Fulham forest and we can’t wait to see what adventures are in store next week!

Little Forest Folk