Fulham - enthusiasm and confidence

This week, we said goodbye to some of our Little Forest Folk-ers which is always emotional, but that’s part of what we do. We have treasured every moment we have spent with them, and those memories will forever stay in our hearts! We are also super excited for them to start their new adventures and we wish them all the lunch in the world!

We have also welcomed some of our new starters and let us tell you that it has been incredible! The settlers have joined us with such enthusiasm and confidence and our children have been absolutely amazing at welcoming the young ones with kindness and including them in their play. Our team is so grateful to have such brilliant children that are friendly and caring towards one another!

The holiday campers have been super busy this week. They spent the beginning of the week carefully making little mud balls and placing them in trays, benches and planks. When they had enough balls, it was time for the competition. We had a wall made of wood and they had to throw the ball to who could make the loudest noise! The splashes of mud on the wall made amazing abstract designs and at some point, one of the educators became the target! It was ‘run for your life!’, around the forest trying to dodge the mud balls coming from all directions! The children had an amazing time and so did the educators!

This week, the children found lots of mini beast and insects in our camp. They were fascinated by the variety of wildlife they could find in our setting. Looking after little animals and observing how they move, what they eat, where they like to hide is a very popular activity in the outdoors and we are incredibly lucky to be able to offer this opportunity to the children. We had books so the children could learn more about the animals and their habitats, they built bug hotels with natural materials and studied the animals with their magnifying glasses!

Exploring natural materials and using them for construction was also a constant activity this week. Building dens with the branches that the gardeners kindly gave us after trimming the trees around our camp, was their favourite thing to do – hiding in their dens and cooking mud pies inside was super fun!

The children were interested in mark making as well and reading our lovely books when they needed some quiet time. Our Little Forest Folk-ers adore story time and often look at books independently, telling the story to their friends or reading by themselves.

The children absolutely enjoyed exploring with colours! They used chalk to decorate the pallets in the mud kitchen and construction area, coloured amazing drawings and pictures to take home to their families and made the most amazing stamps using leaves and paint. They cut cardboard and make rockets, using string and colourful straws to decorate them.

Lots of incredible adventures and creative moments filled our week at Fulham! Our Little Forest Folk-ers are so resourceful and imaginative. It’s a delight to play with them and see them develop.

Have a wonderful weekend adventuring!

Little Forest Folk