Fulham - Creating a restaurant!

This week we have welcomed some familiar faces back to us for summer camp and even made some brand new friends who were visiting for the first time! Their energy and ideas have been fantastic to broaden the scope of our morning set ups as they take what we create to try to inspire them and run with it! 

We had a fantastic shop/sushi restaurant one day where they worked together all morning to create their culinary masterpieces to go on sale. They worked as a team to transform our dry dusty mud into a thick clay-like consistency and used to to make dumplings, biscuits, cakes and rolled sushi wrapped in leaves and pierced with a twig to hold it in place. They took their time to place them carefully in an appealing arrangement and made last minute touches before writing out their menu and deciding on prices.


Younger children have been inspired by older ones and we have seen many mimicking games being played or moments of being inspired to try new things or join in. The slack line and tightrope both proved a hit with all ages having a go and laughing hysterically as they bounce each other up and down. 
We have played with clay, paints, pens and paper to create art or props for play; we even wrote some signs to display in the forest.

The children have pursued their interest in obstacle courses into this week and we have worked together to create even more challenges while talking about how it will make them stronger like Captain America! 
Today is going to be another hot one so we shall put on our binoculars and go hunting for sprinklers!

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Little Forest Folk