Fulham - beautiful sculptures

We had such a lovely week in the forest with the children. Sunny days and laughter warming up our hearts!

This week, the children’s interests and curiosity led us to adventure walks looking for mushrooms, flowers and treasures along the way. Our adventurers had a lovely time collecting twigs, leaves, stones and feathers. They made beautiful sculptures with clay using all the natural resources they found. Such a fantastic opportunity to develop those fine motor skills, concentration skills and to use their creativity!

The children loved spending time in the mud kitchen, making potions and baking! They measured cups of water into a bowl, dug soil and mixed it together until they all agreed it was the perfect consistency. Afterwards, it was all about decoration with pink petals, sprinkles of magic dust and a pinch of chalk!

Using the loose parts to build ships, see-saws and slides were a hit! By working collaboratively, the children learned about sharing resources, taking turns and problem solving. It was delightful to see the children’s interactions with their peers and educators. We’ve seen the start of some beautiful friendships these past two weeks in our camp!

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On the magpie side, the children had a fantastic time making broomsticks using string, branches and sticks. There were wizards and witches flying high, casting their spells! Imaginative play is so important for children’s development! They were engaged in their role play every day of this week!

The children decided to tie a tennis ball with string and with the support of an educator, made a swing ball using a stick as a racket! This encouraged the children to stay active and energetic as they tried dodging the ball whilst having a lot of fun! On our adventure walks, the children looked for spiders and wood lice at the adventure playground! They love exploring under logs and under the trees.

Our Little Forest Folk-ers are so helpful and enjoy carrying out small tasks so on Monday, they all helped take down the big tee pee! They collected all the ropes and helped fold it. After that, all we needed was for them to jump on top to make it flat! How exciting!

Such a wonderful week with everyone showing kindness to one another!

We hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

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 Little Forest Folk