Putney Heath - Pungent Potions

Pungent Potions

Putney Heath Little Forest Folk have had a magical week with week two of the Easter Holidays, inviting more wonderful adventurers into our camp to explore the wonders of the treasures in our forest.

We kicked off the week pleasantly surprised with a wintery snow shower and it was great to see the children’s little faces light up at the sight of the delicate flakes settling amongst the grass. This sparked some amazing shop role play, with our Little Forest Folk-ers selling ice creams and also tuning into the wintery weather by supplying hot chocolates on the cricket pitch. Yum!

On camp, the children have thoroughly enjoyed arriving to see a variety of different transports set up for them to whisk them away into the world of their imaginations. They have enjoyed sailing away on boats, battling it out with rival pirates and also creating their own modes of transport, building race cars and working together to determine where the engine and doors should be. Some children also used a large branch as a dragon, teaching them how to fly through the sky successfully, gliding across the clouds and avoiding any obstacles.

Another magical moment for the children has been discovering potion stations, using their senses to explore the colours of the water and the smells of the herbs, sparking ideas of different types of potions they could make. One potion which had to be really concentrated to work, would turn you into a cat! It was wonderful to watch the children so immersed in their creations, watching as the colours combined together to create new colours and the smells of mint, thyme and parsley travelling up our noses.

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As always, our Little Forest Folk-ers have been influenced by the wonders of the forest. As the birds tweeted above our heads, the children enjoyed creating their own feathery creations using clay, moulding it through their hands to create a beak, wings and eyes and using brightly coloured feathers to bring them to life.

The slack line has also been a popular addition to both camps this week and the children have enjoyed challenging their bodies to balancing along without falling into the lava beneath! It was great as an educator to see the determination on the children’s faces as they used all their strength not to fall off and reach to the other side to taste their victory!

What another wonderful week we have had here at Putney Heath. It has been so wonderful to welcome some familiar and new faces into our forest and share our magical forest adventures with them. We hope you all have fantastic weekends and we look forward to seeing you all next week and welcoming back our sessional families!

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Little Forest Folk
Putney Heath