Chiswick -Our Forest Cafe and Ice Cream Shop

We hope this newsletter finds you well and filled with excitement for all the adventures that unfolded this week. Our little explorers embraced the spirit of discovery, connection, and celebration as we delved into various activities.

The week began with a focus on environmental responsibility, as we embarked on litter picking missions around the park. Our children demonstrated their commitment to keeping our surroundings clean and beautiful, taking pride in their role as caretakers of the environment. Later in the week, we continued our efforts in "Picking Land," ensuring every nook and cranny was free from litter.

Nature exploration took us to the enchanting pond, where we marvelled at the mysterious terrapins. Observing their behaviours and learning about their habitats provided a captivating hands-on experience for our curious minds.

In our pursuit of knowledge, we engaged in shape-related games, origami, and matching puzzles. These activities sparked a sense of curiosity and fostered cognitive development, as we honed our shape recognition skills in an interactive and playful manner.

Our forest cafe and ice cream shop buzzed with creativity and imagination, as our little ones served up delightful treats and engaged in role-play as customers and shopkeepers. This nurtured their social and communication skills, while igniting their imaginations.

Venturing outdoors on adventure walks brought endless joy as we explored the wonders of nature. The children revelled in the magic of the forest, discovering hidden treasures and embracing the freedom of the great outdoors.

To cap off the week on a high note, we celebrated together with our leavers picnic. Despite the rainy weather, our spirits remained undampened as we enjoyed the cosy atmosphere of a forest school gathering. It was a special time to bond, reflect, and commemorate the incredible journey our children have undertaken with us.

As we bid farewell to this remarkable week, we extend our deepest gratitude for your unwavering support and trust. We are privileged to be part of your child's growth and learning journey, and we look forward to the many adventures that lie ahead.

Little Forest Folk