Chiswick - Fireworks, Frames, and of course, puddles!

Fireworks, Frames, Nature Guidebooks and of course, puddles!

Coming off the back of bonfire night, we kick started our week with firework songs and colourful paintings. Crafting toilet rolls into firework stamps, we got messy with paint and splatted our fireworks into the sky!

Portrait anyone? Our adventurers made ornate picture frames and ran round our camp framing faces, friends and moments to capture forever.

Our Little Forest Folk-ers made nature guidebooks, finding leaves, conkers, and acorns from around our forest and making their own reference sheet. This was a wonderful creative task where they drew shapes of their items through observation and their senses, and then took them home to use during their days away from the forest.

And of course, how could we not talk about the weather this week! Come rain or shine, we love diving headfirst into muddy puddles, making mud balls and caking ourselves in thick muddy goo! Splash splash!!

Joke of the week:
What did one leaf say to the other?

You’re unbeLEAFable!

Little Forest Folk