Wimbledon - Muddy, splashy adventure walks

Muddy, splashy adventure walks

The rain has well and truly come to say hello this week in the Wimbledon forest. This only means one thing for our little ones - more puddles! The excitement when we find a new puddle is amazing, the Little Forest Folk-ers do an incredible job of turn-taking for splashing and seeing who can get the most water up in the air. We have also been seeing children using sticks to measure and then compare the depths of puddles, what a great way to start our little ones’ scientific thinking.

With wetter days both the Bunnies and Foxes have been out on adventure walks, not only searching for puddles but of course mushrooms as well. As the children reach an area of the forest they may not have been in for a while it is so magical watching them notice all the differences and how the forest constantly changes around us with the seasons.

While out on walks we have been using an animal footprint swatch book that one of our practitioners made. When we find a footprint, the explorers use the book to identify which animal left the print.

While the rain has come this week the afternoons have been filled with beautiful blue skies and they have been perfect for bird watching.

Another brilliant week in the Wimbledon forest!

Little Forest Folk