Fulham - Climbing Skills

This week has been nothing short of amazing here in the Fulham forest!

We have really been promoting and encouraging the children’s physical climbing skills and have created lots of wonderful mini obstacle courses and climbing walls for the children to use.

Another popular activity allowed us all to get really creative and make some crowns using wire. We then all became explorers and went searching for some natural resources around camp so that we could attach leaves and sticks and all sorts of natural resources onto our crowns.

It’s always lots of fun having clay out in the forest, and this week was no different. Using the clay, we spoke about and created some mini beasts and bugs and then had fun turning it into slop and slime by adding lots of water to it.

It’s been amazing watching the children demonstrate great teamwork this week, helping to carry the wooden crates and pack them away at tidy up times; they were all working together well and thinking and speaking about what they wanted to achieve and how they were going to do it.

To prepare for Remembrance Day, the children in the creative area painted and decorated some cardboard poppies turning them into little badges to wear.

What a wonderful week it has been, we hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

Little Forest Folk