Wimbledon Village - Little Forest Folk Rock Concert!

It may have only been a 4-day holiday camp this time round, but it hasn’t stopped our Wimbledon Village Little Forest Folk-ers packing loads of fun into each day.

Once we had introduced ourselves and got used to the camp rules, we went on to make a gigantic spiders web. It was great to see our little adventurers helping by tying knots, problem solving, decision making and working together as a team to complete it. Once it was fully constructed, they all turned into little spiders, climbing all over it. Such fantastic gross motor skills were on display!

We also went on an adventure walk through the bracken. We saw a gorgeous purple rhododendron that we made our way to for a short rest, it was lovely sitting underneath the purple canopy. We saw some beautiful fox gloves and some moths fluttering around in the sunshine as well!

We were so excited to see our caterpillars had turned into chrysalises over the weekend. We are looking after them very carefully and patiently waiting for them to turn into butterflies so that we can release them and watch them fly off into the natural world around us.

To finish the week off, we got the tools out to make some musical instruments. Our little explorers scavenged for sticks and made them into a ‘v’ shape. They then use the hand drill to make holes on different shape and size bottle tops, before threading them onto some string. Once the string was attached to the sticks, they enjoyed shaking them to make a musical instrument to use at the Little Forest Folk rock concert.

We hope you all have a lovely weekend and are looking forward to more adventures next week!

Little Forest Folk
Wimbledon Village