Wimbledon Village - A Week of Imagination & Storytelling!

This week has been a week of imagination and storytelling!

On Monday we saw ourselves having a Tiger come to Tea, yes you heard right… a Tiger came to Tea!!!. Our Little Forest Folk-ers loved scooping up tissue paper and sticks and stones etc to feed him so many different foods!

On Tuesday when we went to the forest, we were greeted by a large bear. Everyone was very surprised and wondered what he was doing there! Later, we had an interactive story in which the children saw an educator dress up as a bear and tell the story in a fantastic performance - this made everyone very excited and eager to join in! 

On Wednesday we had the most amazing sensory tray set up to support the Sharing a Shell book. They children got to explore the texture of the sand, the smoothness of the water and the roughness of the shells. They were excitably discussing what they like to do at the beach and of course made some sandcastles too! . 

On Thursday we looked at the Snail and the Whale, and more specifically the water side of it, as we had lots of different sea creatures on a tray with some water for everyone to explore. We also looked at the Big and Small book, which saw the children build up the large tree cookies to see how tall they could make them. 

On Friday we became adventurers like Hansel and Gretel! Luckily we didn’t encounter the witch but we did find lots of wildlife and the most gorgeous rhododendron trees!

We can’t wait to see where our little story telling adventures will take us next week!

Little Forest Folk
Wimbledon Village