Wimbledon - The Return of the Muddy Puddles

Muddy puddles, adventure walks and nature painting, these are just some of the amazing activities that we have had this week at Wimbledon!

The children have loved the return of the rain as it has meant our favourite muddy puddles have also returned. The children have been playing pooh sticks at the river and have also been testing their theories of which items will float or sink. We have also really enjoyed splashing in the big puddles and seeing how big of a splash we can make!

The adventure walks have also been a big hit, and this week we have ventured to the beech forest once again. The children love to explore the areas around us and seeing which new trees we can climb is always so much fun!

We have also been spending our time using clay to make different sculptures. It’s such a fun material to work with and it’s great to see the different creations our children come up with.

It has been a wonderful week at Wimbledon!

Little Forest Folk