Wimbledon - Sticky Adventures

Wimbledon has been busy this week with lots of fun and exciting activities happening each day. Autumn has started to show in many different ways around the forest and this has led to lots of exploring and discovering new things around our site.

One of the fun things that we have taken part in this week is using the many sticks around us to make different letters. The children made large letters on the meadow and worked together to find the letters of their names. We also used the sticks to add to our games around the forest. The children added string to the end of some long sticks and made them into fishing rods. We then used them on the walk in and out to see what we could find in the river.

Our little explorers have spent lots of time mark making this week too, using a mixture of chalks, pens, and paint. It’s great to watch as their imaginations come to life through their mark making and showing how proud they are of their work.

It’s always so much fun in the forest, and this week has been full of exciting adventures and exploring!

Little Forest Folk