Wimbledon - Spiderwebs & Monkey Bars!

A whirlwind of a week at Wimbledon! Our new children are coming to the end of their first month and they’ve experienced a variety of weather to prepare them for winter ... we even experienced a rumble of thunder!

We’ve enjoyed many fun activities led by our educators, most of which have led to messy play. The children are very interested in creating people or living things out of natural resources. This week they used pinecones, conkers, acorns, sticks and clay as an adhesive to make pinecone people! Fine motor skills were at the core of this activity, encouraging the children to pinch, roll, squeeze and flatten with their hands. The pinecone people had many different features, it was great practise to identify body parts and comment on similarities and differences. 

More messy play was enjoyed after a couple nights of rainfall when the mud kitchen was swimming! Soups were at the top of the menu and in high demand and brown, sludgy, dripping mud became the core ingredient to mix into pots and pans. We would highly recommend the Fox cafe! 

Our week has also brought new physical challenges for our children. As they progress through the obstacle courses, our staff are on hand to provide new exciting experiences. Our little adventurers enjoyed a day of spider webbing where they had to manoeuvre their bodies up, down and side to side to get across the web! It was fantastic to see how they used their initiative to defeat the webbing as well as guiding each other through the maze. Another challenge was monkey bars, where our educators used their knowledge of knots to create an upper body challenge for our little explorers to swing their way to celebration. The children adjusted their grip and worked on their stamina to achieve their goal. The queues for another go were endless!

Little Forest Folk