Wimbledon Village - Puddles and helicopter story

After the heavens opened on us this week, we took the opportunity to jump in puddles! These puddles quickly became shark infested waters, and so the tables were turned with this activity, as we then did our best to avoid the puddles! Whilst our camp may have become dampened, our spirits certainly did not!

With all the rain, our mud kitchen was a chefs’ heaven. All the mud and leaves combined with the extra rain made all our mud kitchen delights extra fabulous.

When we did see rain, we all got together and wrote our own “helicopter” story with Jamie. This is a story that is a combination of everyone’s ideas! Our story started with a mermaid at the pool and ended with her finding a leaf that needed returning to the forest! It was such a great idea and was such fun to get the input of all the children! 

On Wednesday, we went on a fabulous adventure walk through the common, we passed some big puddles so stopped for a quick splash! As we meandered through the trees, we stumbled across an area where horses were practising their training skills. We took turns to choose a direction in which to walk, before navigating safely back to our forest camp for a snack! 

Have a good weekend everyone and stay dry! 

Little Forest Folk
Wimbledon Village