Wimbledon - Robots and Aliens!

This week in Wimbledon, as well as some more lovely weather, we have been welcomed by lots of new faces! Whether these faces be holiday campers or new forest friends, we have welcomed them all with warm arms! We have enjoyed supporting them not only during their play but also during our walk-ins and outs and offering them a hand to hold to show them the way.

We have seen the growth and readiness of the blackberries and have enjoyed picking them within camp to use as part of our play – they have provided new textures and colours to paint with. We also used them within our play to make delicious recipes in our mud kitchen! We had blackberry ice cream, blackberry jam and even blackberry pie! We have also enjoyed picking the berries during our walk-ins and outs to store in a tub to take home and share the beauty of our forest with our families. 

Towards the end of the week, we enjoyed some face painting. This time, we painted each other and had lots of fun turning each other into master pieces; we had some incredible robots and aliens, and we even decorated the adults!

What a fun and fabulous week, we hope you all have a great weekend!

Little Forest Folk